Ask About Our Featured Listings
March 26

Established in February 2019, now reaches thousands of people every week actively searching for live music in the Asheville area. Roughly 60% of our traffic comes from Google Search as we dominate the top of the results for queries such as “Asheville live music” & “live music Asheville”. Meanwhile our direct traffic is experiencing explosive growth, proving more locals are now using us as their go-to music calendar.
Our free listings include just the basics of Who’s Playin’ Where & When. We offer Descriptive Listings at just $5 per event to help you guide viewers to your event. These listings include up to 30 words but do not include links.
Our Featured Listings (from just $15) really stand out among the dozens of events on the calendar every day. While we update every Wednesday for the following Friday thru Thursday, these Featured Listings are published much sooner and include your picture or poster, a description of the event and the venue, website/ticket links and a Google map. We also share these events on our social media stories to help further promote your show.